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Aromaboy - Filter Machine

ColoursBlack, White

Shut the front door; a filter machine for how much? I know, I know, and it does a pretty darn good job of making sweet brews too!

We've been playing with one of these in the roastery for a while now to see if it was worth sharing with you guys. The answer is, for sure, and especially at this price. It's obviously a bit tough to brew coffee at scale on of the little guys, but it's good fun. It comes with a small two cup server, Melitta cone to house your filter, and even a wee heating element for the server to sit on so you can keep your second cup warm while enjoying the first.

It comes in two colours too to match you kitchen! What else? Well, for us, the 'Aromaboy' is super fun to say!

PLEASE NOTE: This doesn't come with filter papers. You can purchase these here.